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Establishing Churches in the Next Forgotten City

Imagine city after city with no gospel light. A city with 160k people, over 20 mosques, but no church. The next city has over 280k, dozens of mosques, but no believers. Another city of over 500k, lots of mosques, but no church gathering. This present dark reality should move us to action! Jesus has a plan to reach these cities: the local church! The Ephesus Relay is a 90-day commitment to help establish churches in cities where there are none...yet!  If you sense God nudging you in this direction, click the application link below.  The next relay team will be identified by June 1st and will prepare to launch to an unreached city in January 2025!

Do you want to learn more about this? 

Apply today if you are interested in giving 90 days to plant a church in an unreached city!


 How Can You Take Action Today?

  1. Pray for specific people in your church who you sense have a call to go to the nations. The Ephesus Relay is an excellent on-ramp opportunity for long term service in the nations.
  2. Share this application link with specific people in your church who you think may be interested or qualified. The Ephesus Relay is an excellent on-ramp opportunity for long term service in the nations.
  3. Contact Eric ([email protected]) with any questions you may have.