We see in scriptures an example of the function of the Body of Christ as a life-giving and restorative community of believers. We are called to fellowship, share meals, partake in communion together, worship, and read the Word of God together. Ultimately, we are all seeking to be disciples of Christ and to walk in unity with other brothers and sisters in Christ.

We see that membership is a simple and important way of joining a local church and committing to participate, to serve, and to honor the Lord in our daily lives as we submit to the Lordship of Christ and also those who are called to shepherd us. 

  • A Biblical Reason: Christ committed to the church. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25
  • A Practical Reason: Membership defines who can be counted on. Every team must have a roster. Every school must have an enrollment. Every army must have an enlistment. Even our country takes a census and requires voters registration. Membership identifies our family.
  • A Cultural Reason: Membership is an antidote to our society. We live in an age where very few people want to be committed to anything – a job, a marriage, our country. This attitude has even produced a generation of “church shoppers & hoppers”. Membership is contrary to the current attitude of consumer religion. The commitment of membership is an unselfish decision which serves others and builds character.
  • A Personal Reason: Membership produces spiritual growth. The Bible places a major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth. You cannot be accountable when you’re not committed to any specific church-family. The difference between attenders and members can be summed up in one word: commitment! 


  • Membership in this church shall be open only to those individuals who:
    • Have been born again
    • Show evidence of a Christian life as judged by the Eldership
    • Voluntarily subscribe to the tenets of faith
    • Have been in regular attendance for a period of six months
    • Are 18 years of age or older
    • Maintain ongoing involvement in the activities of the church
    • Practice storehouse tithing
    • Have successfully completed the Membership process which will include:
  1. Submit application for membership
  2. Attend the New Member Class (one evening class to help you get familiar with CFC)
  3. Listen to the 8 messages in the Kingdom Living Series
  4. Meet with a Pastor or Elder


Membership Application
Kingdom Living Series
Ministry Application